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Cutting the Fluff: The Secret to Running Effective Meetings

Conductive an effective meeting

As a manager in a large(ish) business, I have witnessed firsthand the effect that meetings that are not well managed and do not produce desirable results may have on the productivity of our team as well as their morale. Because of this, I make it a top priority to have an understanding of the concept of brevity as well as how to conduct effective meeting.

When it comes to saving time, one of my core tenets is to run meetings for as little time as possible while still accomplishing the results that are sought. This can be accomplished by having a distinct purpose and outlined objectives for the gathering, as well as by limiting the attendance of the meeting to those who are required for the topic at hand to be discussed. In addition, it is essential to keep in mind the concept of “fluff,” also known as padding, which is frequently used in gatherings of this kind. This refers to components that are not vital to the meeting’s purpose and aim, as well as excessive talking that does not contribute to accomplishing those goals. We can make sure that our meetings are practical and efficient if we keep them brief and to the point and steer clear of pointless small talk.

Leader conducting an effective meeting

Key Elements of Organising Effective Meetings

The following items are high on my list of priorities when it comes to organizing productive meetings:

  • Clearly outlining the aim of the meeting as well as the goals to be accomplished during it and conveying this information to all attendees in advance so that they may come to the meeting prepared and ready to contribute.
  • Creating a detailed agenda for the meeting that specifies the subjects that will be discussed as well as the sequence in which those subjects will be discussed. This helps to maintain order during the meeting and ensures that all attendees are informed of the issues that will be discussed throughout the session.
  • Inviting and supporting active participation from each and every attendance This entails promoting communication that is both open and honest, as well as a culture that values collaboration and teamwork. This can be accomplished by delegating specific tasks and responsibilities to attendees, such as appointing one person to act as the facilitator or take notes, and by allowing attendees to contribute their own thoughts, ideas, and observations.
  • Keeping track of the choices and motions that were taken at the meeting and acting upon them. This helps to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that progress is being made towards the goals that were discussed during the meeting.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Meetings

On the other hand, here are some things you should avoid doing:

  • Holding meetings without a defined objective or a schedule of topics to discuss.
  • Letting meetings become unproductive by allowing participants to divert from the topic at hand.
  • Neglecting to encourage active engagement from any of the attendees.
  • Not following through on the decisions and activities decided upon during the meeting.
  • Using filler or padding in meetings, which is anything that does not contribute to the purpose or goal of the meeting. 

The Importance of Brevity and Clear Communication to have Effective Meetings

I feel that by gaining a knowledge of the concept of brevity, ensuring that meetings are held in a manner that is direct and gets to the point and avoiding pointless fluff, I’ll be able to increase both the productivity of our team and their morale. We are able to ensure that our meetings are productive and efficient if we first clearly define the objective of the meeting as well as the goals that are to be accomplished during the meeting, develop a clear agenda, encourage active participation, and follow up on choices and actions. I’ve also trained all of my coworkers on the management team in utilising the effectiveness of meetings and to always have the importance of concise communication at the forefront of their minds. With this in mind, every meeting will not only save time and costs also cultivate a company that is more productive and engaged.

Recommended Reads for Improving Meeting Effectiveness

When it comes to managing meetings efficiently and understanding the need to be concise, there is an abundance of material accessible for further study. but below is a list of great places to start.

This book, written by Patrick Lencioni and titled “Death by Meeting,” offers insightful guidance on how to manage productive meetings and steer clear of the typical problems that might result in ineffective gatherings.

This book, written by Michael Mankins and titled “The Meeting Killer,” provides actionable advice on how to organize meetings in a way that is both effective and efficient, as well as how to avoid making common mistakes that can lead to meetings that are ineffective.

Crucial Conversations is a book written by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler. Its subtitle is “Tools for Talking When the Stakes Are High.” This book offers insightful guidance on how to have effective and productive talks in professional settings, which can also be applied to meetings, and it is presented in the form of a book.

Written by Patrick Lencioni, “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable” is a book that presents a leadership fable that illustrates the significance of team dynamics as well as how to cultivate a culture of collaboration and teamwork, both of which are essential for the conduct of successful meetings.

Helio Fred Garcia’s book “The Power of Communication: Skills to Build Trust, Inspire Loyalty, and Lead Effectively”: This book offers insights on how to communicate effectively in professional settings, which is important for effectively running meetings.

“The Power of Communication: Skills to Build Trust, Inspire Loyalty, and Lead Effectively”: This book was written by Helio Fred Garcia.

About the Leader

CEO of Staff Domain

Justin Pavsic

Chief Executive Officer

Justin Pavsic, Co-Founder and CEO of Staff Domain, is an innovative leader in offshore outsourcing who has transformed an industry–once defined by cost-cutting–into one prioritising positive employee experiences and organisational culture.

Since founding Staff Domain in 2018, Justin has driven the company’s rapid global expansion by hiring and offshoring top talent from the Philippines and South Africa. Known for his calm demeanour and quick problem-solving skills, his deep understanding of building and leading international teams has made him a trusted advisor to hundreds of companies globally.

A true global citizen and business leader, he founded and led companies in Papua New Guinea, Australia, and the United States, and now extends his impact to the Philippines and South Africa. Seeing how great job opportunities positively impact people’s lives, his central mission is to uplift communities through education and employment and help connect global companies with highly-skilled talents.

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